Working one to one
Family Constellations is a profound modality, and sometimes it feels too difficult to contemplate looking at an issue with multiple people in the room. If workshops don’t appeal to you for any reason, or you can’t make any of my workshops, we can arrange a one to one session. Please contact me beforehand so we can have a free 15 minute chat to see if we are a fit for one another. For pricing for all individual sessions please see below.
Systemic Constellations in the Wild - The River Thames or Richmond Park
Would you like to do an individual (one to one) constellation in Nature? This is my passion, and I encourage you to join me in using Nature as the container for our work. It is amazing how the field provides rich seams of gold for us to mine. Contact me for more details or to book.
I offer individual sessions at the beautiful, peaceful locations of The Practice Rooms in Richmond or Twickenham, outside in Richmond Park or at The River Thames. Sessions cost £100 for 1-1.5 hours, or you can book a block of 6 regular sessions for £500. Working one to one, we use playmobil figures, felt floor markers, elements of Nature and visualisations in place of the group of representatives.
I also offer individual online sessions on Zoom using experienced representatives who have trained or are training in Family Constellations. The pricing is the same as above.
“The past is not past. It has effects in the present in many different ways. When there is something that needs to be brought into order in the present, you need to look into the past at what has happened. Only when the past is put in order are the living free.
On the other hand, when we do a constellation of what has been left unfinished from the past and when we find a resolution with full respect for the dead, there is also an effect on the dead. They can more easily find their peace. Therefore, this work serves the dead as well as the living.
— Bert Hellinger, Peace Begins in the Soul (2009 - original edition 2003), page 147.